Published Sat, Feb 10, 24.
Written by Rebecca Honorat.


Taking some time to look back over the past year is such a great way to see our progress and set some goals for the upcoming year. 

Below is our 2023 Year End Report - I hope you enjoy reading it!

If you have any questions or comments please reach out to me directly at

Rebecca Honorat
Executive Director
But before you get to reading... I want to give you a quick update about our Family Day Sponsorship Drive.

We have a goal of finding monthly donors to cover nineteen $10/month shares before Family Day on February 19th. So far we have 14 shares, which is awesome.

If you've been thinking about sponsoring, now is the time! 

The students we currently have that aren't sponsored are still going to school, thanks to the generous donors that support the General Education Fund, but we'd like to get those students sponsored so we can expand the program next fall.

You can view the students that need sponsorship (and sign up to sponsor them!) using the link below.
Students that need Sponsorship
Now you can grab yourself a coffee and read the report!
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